Twenty seven years ago, just about midnight my sweet husband ask me to dance for the first time! We have always said this anniversary was the 15th - 16th, as we're not for sure whether it was just before midnight or just after, we just know that first dance led to 27 fabulous years. We didn't get married for another couple of years, but we have always celebrated our meeting as well as our wedding anniversary.

It seems like just yesterday in so many ways! It was the Saturday night of the barbecue cookoff at the Houston Rodeo and we met at the old "San Antonio Rose" dance hall. Our first date was the next day and we went to the cutting horse show! What wonderful memories! This year our celebration has been a little more quiet as my surgery was today, but we're together and that's what matters most to us.
And so my card tonight is the anniversary card I made for him! Here's to 27 more years!
Good night and Happy Stamping!