Friday, January 29, 2016

Spinning and Knitting in the New Year

I have such a wonderful rainbow of fiber on my table waiting to be spun! So far, I've just done a few of them, but mostly because I've been knitting along with the spinning. And, of course, I need time to sketch and play with the boys in the pasture.

So today, I will show you my rainbow and the new yarns.  This first one is Green with Envy and turned out to be a really pretty yarn. A variety green shades with a hint of purple. Can't wait to see it knitted.

Plied with a coordinating green crochet thread.
This next one is Midnight - much brighter than I expected by the name, but love the many shades of blue.

And Deep Space is full of blues and purples.

And here's the rainbow of fiber - so much fun ahead.

And then I began to knit. I'm in love with these small infinity scarves and so I'm using some yarn I spun last year. This one is Moulin Rouge and I love the colors.

This one is a yarn I spun from a wonderful batt from WC Mercantile. It's been having on a hook waiting to become something special and now it is! This yarn is so much fun with it's thick and thin parts.

These are my colors and I had a small amount left over and decided to see what I could make. I came up with this neck warmer. Perfect along with a t-shirt and jacket. No bulk, but a warm neck! It was so comfortable on a coolish Texas day that I had it on until I went to bed. So light weight you forget it's on.

Before I knew it, I was trying to make this again from a yarn recently spun - one the looks like a newly opened box of crayons.

Of course, I measured this one to the first one and then made it about four or five inches longer, so, of course, it was a different fit. But I played with it and found that you can wear it  a number of different ways and be much more flexible. Wear it tight or loose! So you guessed it, I've already made another one.

I have lots of small skeins of yarn from early spinning days and I see neck warmers popping up everywhere

And, if I didn't have enough fiber to spin, I got the urge this week to card some on my own. But we'll save those pictures and story for another day.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Daily Sketching - Day 20 - 26

This has really been a busy month and I'm shocked that it's already approaching the end! I have kept up with my sketching every day even if some have been rushed or not my best, but still I've done it. And so here they are:

Day 20

Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
I don't know if I'll shoot for every day in February or not, but this has been fun to challenge myself to doing a daily sketch. Some days I have done more than one and have been spinning and knitting some days, too, so it's been one of my most creative months - making this a great start to the new year! Hope you're creating, too.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Daily Sketch - Day 12 through 19!

Time has flown by and I've been busy keeping up with my January sketch a day. Here's a glimpse of what I've done since my last post:

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14 

Day 15 ( part of my Scribble class)

Day 16 #1

Day 16 #2

Day 17

Day 18

The cat was Day 18 and below is Day 19. I've tried to do something special for each day, but today I studied perspective and these are the results. Still have lots to learn, but pretty pleased with how these turned out, so Day 19 is now complete!

Day 19
I will be back soon with a post of my latest yarns and Bible Journaling! 

Monday, January 11, 2016

2016 Day 11 Watercolor Sketch

Day 11- and I tried something new. Well, new to me. I just took a page in my journal and started adding colors.  I knew I wanted a bouquet in a pot of some sort and the pot turned out to be a teapot of sorts! lol I walked off and let it dry! That is so hard for me to do - once I start I just want to keep on going, but I knew I couldn't add ink until it was dry so I busied myself .

When I came back I began to do some inking with my Pitt fine point pen and added some additional green stems and leaves and added some color to the flowers and teapot. I added some swirls and color to ground it. I was pretty sure I was done, so I signed and dated it!

Well, that was not the case. As always, I had to add some more ink and color and then I could call it done. Well, for today!   lol I will probably still add more later, even weeks or months later when I look at it again and see a spot that I would like to change. I'm not for sure a piece is ever done!

There will be another sketch tomorrow, but may save up for a few days and do a post about my most current yarns.

Come back and see what's next.

You can always find me on Instagram and Facebook, too!

2016 - Goal to Make a Sketch a Day!

Don't know why I feel this way, but I love even numbered years. Not that unpleasant things haven't happened in the evens, but I just like them better. Same for age - 2, 4 8. 10. 16 19 etc. When I was younger I used to jump ahead and skip over the odd ages as I've gotten older I tend to just stay the even age two years. lol

But with 2016 I decided to try for a sketch a day! Of course, it's a goal and not a promise, but so far so good!

A quick preview of the first ten days!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10
Well, there are the first 10 days! I do post my daily sketch on Instagram #bevdailysketch2016.  You can see them there or my Facebook Page "Bev Ann's Mixed Bag."

Of course, I'm doing some spinning too, but that's for another post.

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