Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Day 39 - Valentine Heart

Yesterday my Valentine was very glitzy!  I used the new glitter paper and filled the heart with candy!  Today, I used one of our corner punches and made a very decorative card and filled the heart with little hearts.  A very simple card, but makes quite an impact.  No need to make a trap opening as the little paper hearts don't need to come out.

A simple and easy card, for a very cold day.  I just don't deal with cold very well and today was cold.  Cold makes me tired and shuts down my creative juices. I know warm weather is just around the corner, like this weekend, but I want it now!!!!!

Hopefully my creative urges will come flying back tomorrow when I come home from Bible Study and I'll really get into my craft room and make some fun new cards.  On the other hand, my creation tomorrow may just be a really clean and neat craft room.  Tune in tomorrow to see my post and see whether creating or cleaning wins! Pictures will be posted no matter which wins.

Stay warm, see you tomorrow!

His, Bev
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