Hello and Happy Tuesday, Day 38 of my 100 day blog challenge!
This has been an amazing day for me, last week I told you that I had a biopsy following a mammogram that showed something suspicious. I received the news last night that it was in fact cancer and I must begin a time of planning and treatment. The good news is that it's caught very, very early and I'm surrounded by an amazing group of Godly friends. Prayers are flying upwards and my husband and I feel the peace that can only come from God. We have never felt the love of God more than we are feeling it right now. We know that He is going before us and we will see Him in every step along this journey. Miracles are already happening and I know they will continue. I will periodically catch you up on my progress and I'm planning on keeping up my blog challenge. Now, that's enough about me and my "stuff" so let's move on to " a day focusing on love"!
I used the brads to allow the inside to open and let the candy out! The top brads on the front are glued down, but the ones on the bottom go all of the way through and can be opened to lift the inside paper up to release those little goodies. I cut a piece of decorative paper and made a crease across the top. I glued that down with red line tape and hen closed the brads at the bottom. I've tried a variety of ways to open and close the back so the card doesn't have to be destroyed and I think I may just like this way the best.
Keep us in your prayers,