Well, I'm back! We have had a very peaceful day beginning with church this morning and working in the garden and yard this afternoon. I decided that I would get back to creating, but I chose to work on the stone for my cat Gracie Mae. Gracie died in March and I buried her out near the garage and placed one of my painted stepping stones to mark her grave. I knew I wanted to paint a special stone for her but have just kept putting it off, but today I knew it was the day to paint.
Its' funny a lot of people seem to think that painting is really easy for me and in ways it is, but I start and stop and redo all the time. So I sketched what I thought I wanted to paint on the stone. I use chalk and it is my best friend as it wipes off after everything is completed or when I need to make changes. I drew flowers around the top and wrote in her name, etc. and began to paint. This would be picture #1 and I didn't like the flowers and so I painted over it and began again with just three flowers to the side, not planned out, I just like the way the three left looked and so I completed painting them and began on Gracie's name. After I finished her name I realized I did the a and e completely different in Mae than in Gracie, so out came the green paint. Now I have it correct and so I called it complete.
However, now that I'm looking at the pictures (still a little chalk to remove tomorrow) I think I would like to have it say Gracie Mae Cat and have the dates smaller, so you know the drill! Out comes the green paint and I begin again. So now the secret is out - I use more green paint than any other color! :-)
I'm showing pictures from start to finish (almost finish) tonight. If I make other changes I'll post them later, but I thought it would be fun to see a work in progress.
So, I'm back to creating and now Day 97 is complete and soon I'll have all 100 done. Then, I will post, but I will also feel free to skip a day or two - but not yet, it's back to completing the challenge.
I just started to say see you tomorrow and add the pictures and I accidentally hit post! So for those of you who get email updates, you will have two and this one will be the complete one with pictures. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you enjoy - see you tomorrow.