Thursday, April 07, 2011

The Countdown to Day 100!

I had someone do a very nice thing for me this week and so I made a special card (gift card holder) and am filling it with a Starbucks card to say thanks.  This is the first time I've made this holder and I'm really pleased. It's easy peasy to make the wallet style holder; however, I would do a different front next time.  Adding the little pearls and punching out all of these tiny tags took way more time than I  had to give, but it got done and it's a special gift, so I'm OK with the added work.  I saw a card on page 130 and have wanted to copy it for a long time.  Finally I've done it, but as I said it was more work than I expected.  I still and will probably make it again sometime.  I definitely will make the holder.  If you would like the dimensions and directions for the card holder, please just leave a comment or email me.

For now, I'm headed to bed. Hope you enjoy!  See you tomorrow for Day 97! 
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