Hello and happy May!
I can't believe it's already here. I love May - the flowers, the warm days and my birthday! What's not to love about that?
My goal for May was (you note I say was) to blog every day - that means not just saying hello, but having a new card, technique, project etc. and posting it before I went to bed - well, it's barely still May 4 and this is my first post of the month! So, I guess my goal is to blog everyday for the rest of May - lol! Hold me to it and we'll see if I really get it done - I'll do my best!

It's not that I haven't been stamping - I've been stamping like a fool - trying all sorts of new techniques, but I just have lots of little bits and pieces. Then today I actually began to put some of them together and have two cards to post. The first one really is made from some of the bits - I've been experimenting with watercoloring using reinkers, watercolor crayons, markers and different types of paper. The flowers on this first card is done with watercolor crayons and reinkers on watercolor paper. I then cut the flower out so it becomes more dimensional. You'll see more of the variations as the month progresses.
This second card was cased from one we did at Sally Upton's club a number of months ago. I pulled it out of my favorite samples. The orginal used the wide chocolate chip ribbon and had a big knot so I decided Ineeded to change it up for mailing . I chose a layering paper from Parisian Breeze - the dark brown side to make up for the lack of the rubons we originally used, but as I started to add the ribbon and saw the polka dot side of the paper I quicklly flipped it over and changed the entire look. Here
is the one I made today
on the left and the original that I cased on the right. so you can see how easy it is to take a great idea and change it into your own design. Sometimes a sample is so perfect you don 't want to change a thing, but most of the time you will find that just like me today I didn't have all of the same embellishments and so changes were made and the end result is a totally different card.
I can't believe it's already here. I love May - the flowers, the warm days and my birthday! What's not to love about that?
My goal for May was (you note I say was) to blog every day - that means not just saying hello, but having a new card, technique, project etc. and posting it before I went to bed - well, it's barely still May 4 and this is my first post of the month! So, I guess my goal is to blog everyday for the rest of May - lol! Hold me to it and we'll see if I really get it done - I'll do my best!

It's not that I haven't been stamping - I've been stamping like a fool - trying all sorts of new techniques, but I just have lots of little bits and pieces. Then today I actually began to put some of them together and have two cards to post. The first one really is made from some of the bits - I've been experimenting with watercoloring using reinkers, watercolor crayons, markers and different types of paper. The flowers on this first card is done with watercolor crayons and reinkers on watercolor paper. I then cut the flower out so it becomes more dimensional. You'll see more of the variations as the month progresses.
This second card was cased from one we did at Sally Upton's club a number of months ago. I pulled it out of my favorite samples. The orginal used the wide chocolate chip ribbon and had a big knot so I decided Ineeded to change it up for mailing . I chose a layering paper from Parisian Breeze - the dark brown side to make up for the lack of the rubons we originally used, but as I started to add the ribbon and saw the polka dot side of the paper I quicklly flipped it over and changed the entire look. Here

Now go find some inspiration and make a card - you'll be glad you did!