Wow, what a day! Some days just have too many things to be done and too few hours, and this was one of those days.

I got up early so I could do the Chat & Challenge on SUDSOL (Stampin' Up Demos On Line) and as always had a blast. Today we had demos from Ohio, Alaska and Tx - and it was fun talking about our weather and what we consider nice. Guess who was having the warmest day!! I won that won easily. LOL This is the card I made today. It didn't really meet all of the challenge rules, but I really like the card. I really like challenges too - they make me think and do something original. I used Bloomin' Beautiful and Embrace Life flowers - look good together don't they?
I'm also excited because my birthday/mother's day present arrived today and Bill let me have it tonight! He got me a notebook (computer) so I'll soon be totally wireless and can work anywhere! Yea! I don't have time to do anything with it this week - tomorrow night is stamp club, Thursday afternoon is another stamp club and the Blog Tour starts Friday 5/15 - so I'm working furiously on my blogs for Friday and Saturday's tour. Looks like my birthday (Friday) will be the day I get to play with my new toy!
So for tonight, I'm heading back to the work table and finish my projects! Pull out some paper, some stamps, some ink and, of course, some embellishments and get to work! You'll be gald you did. See you tomorrow!