Saturday, May 09, 2009

All in the family goes pink!

This morning I walked in the Komen Race for the Cure, Tyler, TX with my dear friend Deb. This time last year she was recovering from the radiation treatments and didn't feel like doing the walk - this year we're doing it together. Survivor and friend!

This trip to Tyler and the walk reminded me of the thank you cards I did for donors for my Avon 39 mile walk last year! I used the All in the Family set (pg. 77 - $38.95) to make my ladies in pink. The ribbon stamp on the top isn't Stampin' Up!, but for this purpose I needed it and I don't think Shelli would mind!

This is such a versatile set - as you can see it can be adapted to any cause, celebration, family event, etc. When you add in the two accessory sets and the family phrases you can make cards forever and never run out of new layouts.

I hope you enjoy this card and use it to remember to get your mammogram! Hug your lady friends and remind them that a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in this country every 3 minutes! Early detection saves lives - Make a card for a friend and use it as a reminder!

See you tomorrow for Mother's Day!

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