Sympathy cards are not something I like to make or send, but unfortunately this week I needed two. One friend lost a very long battle with breast cancer and a young man died suddenly leaving his wife and two young boys. It's times like this that make me stop and really think about what is important, to put in to perspective what is small stuff and what is really a major deal. My mom is a major deal, my husband is a major deal, my daughter and grand-daughter are major deals, my friends, old and new are major deals and my relationship with God is the most major deal of all! The rest of it is just small stuff.

Now if I can keep this fresh in my mind as the days pass and the business of life once again takes hold. I pray I can - that I will look at all of the major deals listed above with fresh and loving eyes and not take them for granted nor ever let them slide down into the small stuff pile or let the small stuff become more important than the major deals! And now, this is one of the sympathy cards I made this week - I hope I don't need another one for a long time.
Peace and God's love to all.