I made a few little stitches along the tail to give it definition and then I began the stitches along the wing. I put stitches in and took stitches out. I looked at my old bird and studied the type of stitches. I pulled out my book, "Fabric Embellishing - The basics and beyond" by Liz Kettle, Ruth Chandler, Heather Thomas and Lauren Vlcek and found the section on hand stitches! If you like to do hand stitching and embellishing, it is a must have, check it out.

Anyway, I identified the stitch as a blanket stitch and began! Then I began again and again. I have an appreciation for the stitching on the old pincushion that I did not have before tonight! I now have about six stitches in and shut it down for the night! After all tomorrow is another day!

For now I will practice my stitches on this first bird and probably a number of others and just see what happens. Thanks to Liz and Ruth for their help - couldn't even think about doing this without them!
I'll be back when I've done a little more (praying it becomes easier), so until then happy creating!