We receive the challenge on Sunday. I was blank. How hard can it be to come up with a quilt of any size or shape etc. etc. It was very hard for me. As I've said my desire to quilt comes strictly from wanting to paint my flowers and then quilt them. And then my friend Sally introduced me to this quilt challenge. Actually, I really can't blame her - all she did was post on FB that she was excited about the new year of the Project Quilting Challenge and I jumped in and joined. But, I can say, if she hadn't posted, I wouldn't know about it! Thanks, Sally Keller! Which reminds me you must go look at the quilt she did for this challenge! She is just amazing and so is her quilt.

So back to deciding what to do. I was so blank I decided that I just wouldn't do one. And then on Thursday as I waited at the doctor for my appointment a sketch appeared in my sketch book! The docs PA walked in and ask what I was sketching and I told her an idea for a little wall hanging. Once I said it aloud, it became real and I began to think how to do it. The finished item is not the sketch, but it certainly was the inspiration.

The one thing I hope I will do while I wait for the next challenge is practice! Practice free motion quilting and bindings! The one thing I see or hear in every class, article, video etc. is practice, practice, practice and so if I really want to learn to do this I must, you got it, practice!
So until next time, I shall be at my sewing machine seeing what I can learn and, of course, preparing for Bible Study, mentoring MOPS, preparing for the arrival of the alpacas (to see more on alpacas click here) and the usual duties of homemaker! Life is good! God is GREAT!