I mentioned in my last post about the pincushions that I had decided to join a quilt challenge and the first quilt was due in a week. Yes, we had from Sunday (I found it on Monday) when they announced the theme to the following Sunday at noon to have it completed and a picture uploaded.
And now to my quilt! It begins with the word bloom - my word for 2013! So many of my friends talked about choosing their word for the year. I had never done that, but it sounded intriguing. I began to pray about my word and I had two words come to mind. Try and bloom!!! The more I thought about it bloom was the word and this week I got to use it.
Now, call me crazy, but I decided to give this challenge a try. I have actually quilted some fabric together in practice and about six years ago I quilted some fabric and made cute little jewelry (misc.) bags - three to be exact and a month or so ago I made a mug rug for Bill, but turned the fabric - did NOT put on binding. That I had never, ever done! So you ask, "What was I thinking?" Believe me by Saturday (a week ago) I was asking that, too! I sat down and painted a flower early in the week, as soon as I signed up. That's the easy part, I do that all of the time. In fact, that's why I bought my new machine, to make wall hangings or other small items using my painted flowers. But a completed wall hanging in a week? Oh, my goodness!
But sometimes, this is just what I need, a challenge! I am a procrastinator even about things I want to do and so a timed challenge is very, very good for me! It forces me to act! Now you notice, I said I found the challenge on Monday and I painted the flower immediately and then you might notice I mentioned Saturday as the day I was asking myself what I had gotten myself into. Procrastination at its best! Yes, indeed, I thought about it every day, I looked at my flower every day and then on Saturday I panicked, went up stairs to the studio and seriously picked out fabric. No I hadn't even picked out fabric when I painted my flower! The advantage to being a fabric hoarder is that you have almost every color stuck away somewhere and so I pulled out a drawer and there it was the exact colors that were in my flower. By the way, I thanked God for this and saw it as a miracle, since it was a set of matching fabrics and was in the first drawer I opened! Next it was cutting and pinning and quilting and BINDING! Yes, I did just scream the word binding. I studied videos and dvds and my binding finally got done around midnight! Far, far from perfect, but done!
I posted the picture on Flicker and connected them to the challenge and I took a deep breath and went to bed! From a distance this looks pretty cute and I got some wonderful comments, but I know that if I want to do better I have to practice, practice, practice! And so, in just an hour or so another challenge will appear on Facebook from Project Quilting and I will try again. Just hoping it's not so far beyond my skills that I can't do it. But whatever it is, I will try! Check it out you might want to join me in this venture.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you I won a prize! No, not for my quilting, but a random drawing of all the entries and I won a wonderful prize, picked out just for me from Pam Geisel For Quilts Sake. Check out her Etsy shop here.
And now I wait for the new challenge and head out to help my sweet hubby build the stall for our alpacas, Pancho, Lefty and Sammy who are arriving soon! We went to visit them yesterday and they showed off some of their halter skills (not much yet) and let us pet them, a little. Can't wait for them to arrive, but more on that later.
Be back soon,