Last week I celebrated the birthday of a very dear friend. We have been friends now for thirty five years! Can't belive it - time sure passees fast but the point is I wanted t
o do a special card for her. If you read my last post you know that I just moved my craft room and I had a major brain freeze. My papers are in a diffrent place, my stamps and everything else is now out of place. I couldn't do a think, so I called her to confess that I might have to send her a store bought card. My husband is the one I wouldn't dare admit that too! lol But, when I told her I just couldn't think she said, "I love your sheep cards." Well, I had never done birthday sheep, so with that inspiration I headed back into the craft room and got her a card made. Here it is - she loved it and I hope you do to.

Once I got the sheep done and felt back in my groove I was able to make this other
card using Bloomin Beautiful, Organic Grace and On Your Birthday. This card was garden green and mellow moss. I really like the combo. I used markers to color in the flowers. I really like these sets - sorry organic grace is not still around! We will soon have wonderful new sets to love just as much or more and I'm getting anxious! Just another week and we can begin to order from the new catalog. I've already flagged so many new things, so I'm very thankful we have a whole year to shop from it. I will be sharing from it soon. In fact, a few posts ago I gave a sneak peek and if you look closely you will see another beautiful dragonfly! You know what they say when God closes a door he opens a window! Well, we now have our new dragonfly coming through the window!

See you soon! Even though I'm still in Indiana, I have pictures I've never uploaded including our June club - will try to add them later tonight.
Happy Stampin'