The world certainly didn't end! But, in many ways life as I knew it did change… but not because of a computer disaster! In 2000 I had never heard of a blog, an iPhone or an iPad, now they are a constant in my life. I hadn't started making cards, using rubber stamps, painting with acrylics or watercolors. I didn't know about alpacas and llamas except for my involvement with the Houston Livestock Show. I didn't dream I would ever own any and I certainly didn't think I would ever spin fiber or knit!
So here we are in 2014. I've been thinking about my word for the year since early in December but it just didn't come to me. I thought about all of the things I already have on my plate for the new year but after much thought Jan 1 came and went with out my word! Stretch was the only word that kept popping into my head! I went to church on Sunday and knew I had just heard my word(s)! I heard three and really like them all, so, I'm pretty sure I have to be a "word" rebel and have four. I guess that's a word a quarter! The three words I heard Sunday were search, recognize and focus and so now my words are "stretch-search-recognize-focus!
I love being a rebel! hahaha
When I look at my quickly filling plate, I see why these words are so important this year. I am currently working on my 31 day December journaling class - just a little behind. I have signed up for three art e-classes - thankfully I have all year to do them. I have a spinning class with Lexie Boeger (Pluckyfluff) this Saturday and Sunday (stretch) and one in March with Jacey Boggs (super stretch) and possibly another alpaca training class in May! Did I mention that both of my spinning classes are at my very favorite wool store - WC Mercantile in Navasota - autocorrect just tried to make that Nervosa! haha - funny! Along with spinning I'm learning to knit, hopefully something besides a bowl or a scarf! I've also signed up to do the Avon 39 mile (2 day) walk toward the end of April.
As if that's not enough, I have a wish list, too! I want desperately to take a class with Liz Kettle either in Colorado (her home) or at an Art & Soul retreat! And I'm sure many other things will creep into my life!
Stretch - my comfort zone
Search - for what makes my soul sing
Recognize - it and quit searching
Focus - without fear of right or wrong
What this says to me is do these varied things but truly listen for my soul to sing when I'm doing them - if it doesn't drop it or at least place it in the background! Keep searching, but when I hear the singing - stop trying to find something to make my soul sing louder and just enjoy the music. Focus on what I'm doing and relax and enjoy it, not worrying about right or wrong, but the joy of the activity. In all of this I must remember that sometimes the most joy comes from outside our comfort zone - I'm looking forward to an exciting 2014!
Hope all of you have one too!