Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wildflower Summer Class Continues

This week has been a good one with my wildflower summer class - lots of fun sketching ideas and the talent of the other ladies is just amazing.  So much to learn from Junelle and my classmates.

 I started working on a piece over the weekend that just popped on to my paper.  It really had nothing to do with the new class we had on Saturday!  And I'm the queen of wanting to finish things quickly, but I didn't finish this until last night!

It was strange how I picked up my pad and pencil and vegetables began to appear.  I started with the bell pepper, followed by the banana pepper, jalapenos, tomatoes, onion and cilantro. Then yesterday as I thought about making salsa I realized I had left out the garlic and added it!  This was really fun, but far off from the flowers and other ideas for class this week.

We get a new video class every Saturday and a mid-week mini class on Wednesdays (tomorrow) and I've not been very good about following the lessons. I've done most of them, but I've really had to fight doing what I wanted, rather than the suggested.  One of the girls in the class posted a picture as far off task as my veggies tonight ( chickens and a coop) and said, "Oh well, art happens!"  I loved that - and I'm using it from now on!

Today I was supposed to be working on a "market type scene" - there have been some wonderful ones posted on our class page and I did a preliminary sketch, but before I knew it I was sketching these pots!  I spent the rest of the day going back and forth between the pots I loved doing and the "farmer's market" I needed to do.  I finished both or at least most of the way, but the market picture is just merely ok and yet I want to keep working on the pots - just like I did the veggies - keep trying to make it better.  The pots are watercolors, where the veggies were acrylics so there's a much different  palate, but I just love them both and they were both so much fun.

I still have much to do with this weeks assignments and to be truthful I still have things to do from the first three weeks.  What I love about an online class is that you can go back long after the "class" is over and since people are always signing up you're never completely out of touch or feel like you're too far behind.

So here's my market picture - cute, but sure not as much fun as the pots or the veggies.  I did really enjoy adding the little "woolies" as they made me smile!  Love the woolies!  Wish I could learn to draw alpacas, maybe I will practice so I can add one to my pictures!

Until ........

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