I thought i wanted to start bookmarks to give to each of the ladies, but that should have been started weeks ago (so like me to think of it this morning) and so I cut some paper, painted a few small flowers and then got out some new paints and painted a flower. I thought I could stamp a verse beside it for a card front and as I painted I felt God's presence so strong it was palatable.
I realized He had taken me up the stairs to remind me that His gift to me is painting. There are many crafty things I enjoy, and that's fine, but my first love is painting and that's because it's the most precious time with Him. From back in 2006 when He told me to paint a flower on a stepping stone, to this very day it's when I feel His presence most strongly. I know I can't draw or paint anything without Him and tears streamed down my face as I realized how much I've missed this precious time with Him.
I'm not Picasso or any other great artist, but I love to paint flowers and I love to draw quirky looking ladies - all of which I could not do without Him. When I stamp I'm using someone else's
design, when I sew I'm using someone else's pattern, but when I paint it's God flowing through my mind, arm and the brush in my hand. When I let go and trust something appears on the paper or often on a piece of concrete.
I am going to paint some flowers for some cards and make some bookmarks for my ladies. I will mail them along with a short note during the summer, instead of rushing the process into one quick happening and I will pray for each one as I paint. God willing I will begin to paint most every day and see just how He wants to use this talent.
Today's flower - three colors - red, white and black! So good to be back where I belong ..........