Normally I would be at church on Sunday morning, but my cough is still lingering and so I stayed home. As I was sitting here at the computer going through the quilts that have been submitted to Project Quilting for this weeks challenge I was once again drawn to Annie Young's blog.
As I read the descriptions and listened to how the quilters were inspired by Annie's art, I had to go dwell in her work, to listen to what she had to say through her words and her paintings.

Annie posts her art along with words of her own and quotes from many famous people, including Scripture. Some of the quotes we've heard and some are new and some are ones I believe God wants us to hear again and again. She is inspired by God and His amazing love of us, as am I, but her quotes also remind me that God speaks through others. We just have to have our ears and hearts turned on and tuned in to hear Him speak.

I believe God speaks through beautiful flowers and sunrises and sunsets and every other beautiful and sometimes not so beautiful thing He has created and I love that He gave me such an appreciation of His art. I love butterflies and am surprised that I didn't use one of Annie's as inspiration for my quilt for this challenge. As I move through her posts I found one dated July 26, 2012 and she used this quote along with her butterfly wings picture,
"and when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly..." -unknown

She titled her blog that day,
you are are brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous! My first thought was one of surprise. Immediately following was the butterfly quote and then the picture of her butterfly and a very long and beautiful quote from Nelson Mandela. I would love to show her butterfly here, but I do not have her permission, and so I have posted pictures I have taken of butterflies and their various life stages. Nelson Mandola reminds us that we are children of God and that we are designed to glorify God. I am not going to quote the entire thing here, not today, but I am going to give you the link to that specific page ofAnnie's
blog and I encourage you to go and read it for yourselves.
I promise you that her beautiful picture of the butterfly wings and this quote will bless you and you will know that God used Annie Young and Nelson Mandela to speak to you and to me and to everyone whose ears and minds were turned on and tuned in!
You are brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous!