Well, I've let my Facebook Page be my main communication for way too long! I've been spinning some and weaving lots, since I got my "first" loom in April! You read that right! First loom - yes, there's already a second, but more about that later.
I could write tons about how much I love weaving, but I'm just going to caption some pictures and let them speak for themselves!
This amazing yarn I wove! It was over spun, but is a fab yarn! |
Here it is finished |
So it became a belt! |
Tried to wear it as a scarf, but it was very stiff! |
My next adventure into weaving required some spinning first. I got these two batts at
WC Mercantile in the early summer. Finally I had a plan and I love the results.
These fibers were spun together to become ... |
this yarn! |
Here it is ready to be rolled into a ball!
Maybe just a hair too much twist! :) |
Look at this amazing texture! |
Woven into a fab scarf! |
There's been more spinning and weaving and more will follow soon! A great adventure using jelly rolls is coming soon!