Our Christmas presents were a little big to put under the tree, a new building extension, two alpacas, a new sewing machine, and lots of tools for manland added over the last few months. We thought about putting bows on everything that we had received recently, but decided we really couldn't afford the ribbon, (laughing) so we just enjoyed our day and thought about names for the alpacas.
And, we've made a decision! Yes we are definitely getting two alpacas and we finally decided on names! This was not an easy decision and we enlisted votes through Face Book, but it's done! I've sent an email to Laurence and Donna to say yes and give them the names, Pancho and Lefty for registration so now as I sit in my studio and look out the window, I can picture them out there.
I've wanted llamas or alpacas for close to 20 years! Of course, living in Bellaire, didn't lend itself to animals of this size and so I waited! We've been talking about them now since we bought this house and property and the time is finally right.
Last year we added three sheep, well, they're not actually real, they just look real and so I've had some people ask me if the alpacas will be real! Yes! I promise these will move around on the property without my having to pick them up and move them. Ha ha
At least now I won't need to drive down the road to look at the neighboring animals and I'm excited about all of the company I'm going to be having in the near future. I look forward to everyone coming out and meeting them in person. Didn't know how much alpacas would increase visitation! That's a very good thing.
So now I will close and get busy on some other projects - working on next years Christmas card and have a bunch of birthdays this month and next - so I will post again after I see them on Friday and hopefully with some very good pictures.
Until then, happy creating!