Well I've been a busy lady! All of that equipment my sweet husband added to my workshop has me working, working, working. I've completed the witches shoes that I cut out. The picture on the left is one freshly cut out and the picture on the right my first shoe. I'm not terribly fond of this one, but I am keeping it for myself. The next two I like soooo much better because learned from my mistakes and change up the number of polka dots and the stripes on the shoes and I used orange instead of green!

I took one of the orange polka dot ones to a meeting to show a friend on Wednesday and sold one! So I currently have one shoe left and we'll see how long that one sticks around.

The next thing on my project list - the witches legs! I cut out three sets of legs and I've got all three done. So far two sets are sold and I'm keeping one for my front porch. I was going to just stick them in a flower pot, but found a great black caldron at the Party Store and so I'm going to fill it with dirt and stick them in it. This picture makes them look like too bodyless witches standing around talking, but when they're on display the legs are upside down, giving the appearance of the witch having flown into or fallen upside down into the pot. I saw something similar on Pinterest. They had used mannequin legs and I didn't' have any so I just drew out a pattern land cut them out of 1/4 inch plywood and striped them with black paint and Halloween orange duct tape. Added gold buckles on the shoe, made the opposite end pointed to go into the ground and I will post the finished look as soon as I have my pot filled and it's on the porch! So much fun to make these, but three of each is just about it, for Halloween items!

My next project is pumpkins! I cut out two large and three medium and one little bitty one for wreaths for my front doors. Yes, I said doors - I have three front doors! Don't ask - we didn't build the house, so I have no clue, other than it's sort of handy except when it comes time to decorate! But this year for Halloween I will have the shoe on the main door and a jack-o-lantern on each of the small doors. On November 1,

I will take down the shoe and put up my new large pumpkin and I will take the two medium jack-o-lanterns and flip them over to show their autumn/thanksgiving traditional pumpkin side! I actually have a beautiful wreath left from last year, but just have to do this pumpkin thing. So here's my start! I put my little one on top of the medium with it's base coat complete and set them on top of the large one so the size difference would show. I painted the little one just to get some practice doing a pumpkin. I like the little one so now I just have to duplicate it on the larger sizes. I have an extra large and medium, so may save them to paint until someone says they want one. Will see how it goes since I have to do the faces on the back of the medium ones. I found some really cool jack-o-lantern decals at Joanne's - they're Martha Stewart and so I may use them for the cut outs instead of painting! Seems like it would save a lot of time, but we'll see! It will be a little while before I have those ready to post!
I'm heading out to get more plywood in the morning - I have some great plans for some Christmas door hanger - can't really call it a wreath - but I think it will be cool. Lots of fun items will be appearing here over the next few weeks.