Huge mess - tiny amount of space! |

I need to head back up today and work some more, but I am almost afraid of the room now! I saw so many projects that I've got ready to start that I just want to lock myself in the room and create! Not what I need to do today! The one thing I know for sure, I don't need to order anything or shop in my favorite craft stores for a very, very long time.
I found more things that I couldn't live without (when I bought them) and more things I had just stuffed away for another day than I can shake a stick at and I honestly believe that if I worked every day on a project I couldn't make a dent in all of my supplies in a year, ugh, maybe even longer and yet I can't wait to get to market at the quilt show this year! I have a problem!
I am confessing right now that I appear to like to shop more than I like to create! Everything I see looks like fun! As an example, I want to sew (no, I really don't) but show me a cute pattern for a purse/bag and I will buy it! I won't ever make it, but I will buy the pattern and the fabric and I will envision a completed purse! Start to get rid of it and oh, no, my brains stops me with you'll do that some day! Will I? Will I even live long enough to do all the things that have accumulated in my craft room?! When we moved to this house a couple of years ago, my new craft room looked huge! I had storage cabinets, closets, room for two tables so multiple activities could go on at the same time and now? It's just full! Small spaces keep you grounded! Well, me grounded! And now things are just out of control!!!!!
This week my grand daughter and I will do some scrapbooking while she visits and then I must, do you hear me, I MUST get in to that room and sort out all of my different crafts and choose which to keep and which to admit aren't going to ever be used! After all, I need room for new things this fall! And right now, I must just go make room for us to work!
I hope I'm not the only person with this problem and I don't think I am, so I hope some of you who have conquered this problem will share with me your ideas for organizing my room.
Until later!