After watching a preview on Junelle's blog, I sketched this quick picture of some sheep. She said to have fun and use your imagination. The one at the top and the bottom were samples she showed, but the one standing, well, it's my own and I called it vulnerable as this skinny little lamb has it's wool in a pile beside it! Now that's vulnerable! I especially like it's shoes! I used the S-T divider in my new password directory. I knew those blank pages would come in handy for sketching.
I think everyone should cheek out this class and you can find it on Christy's blog - This class is called The Art of Wild Abandonment and you can find out all the info. by clicking here. Plus you'll find information on lots of other fun online classes.
And now when you thought it couldn't get any better, I have to tell you that if you like sheep you will love the pictures on Junelle's blog. Whether you want to learn to sketch or not, check out this blog, the pictures will win your heart.

And now for Spring in Texas - this picture is my front yard filled with bluebonnets and blanket flowers. It's so exciting to drive through the neighborhood as the wildflowers are now appearing everywhere. For a week or so mine were the only ones in view, but no longer. This last rain has brought color out everywhere and it looks like this will be a great year for wildflower lovers. After last year it's very welcome.
We're getting ready to fence our yard, across the front and down both sides. See the white fence on the upper left top of this picture, well, that's what our yard will look like in a few weeks. I'm so excited and hope that it will lead to the eventual cross fencing in the back that will allow us to add a couple of alpacas in the near future. We went to the livestock show yesterday to see them, but we were so excited that we got there a day early! So, we will head down again early Saturday morning and try to get some information as to just what we would need to build for their protection and all the other alpaca information. I was on the very first llama committee at the rodeo nearly 15 years ago and thought that's what we would want if we ever lived in the country, but their little cousins have won my heart and with a daughter that loves to knit the wool will be a real treasure for her. So probably my next exciting post will be an alpaca picture or two.
With all of my comments about sheep today you would think I would be wanting sheep, but although we're in the country, we're in a community and we just got Deed Restrictions to allow llamas, alpacas, cattle and hens. Sheep and goats can only be raised for FFA projects and well, that just doesn't fit our family of two adults and a dog! So alpacas are our "farm" animal of choice!
So until later - check out my new online friends and come back to follow my escapades with my new sketching class.