I don't even know where to start this has been such a whirlwind five weeks! Of course, my last post was about my studio floor and organization, in the middle of the five weeks. Well, that's still in the works. The floor is done, but I'm carefully returning it to a workspace, sorting and parting with some unnecessary things. I'm putting shelves up high, but haven't gotten them painted yet - that darn yard work doesn't do its self, so I had to spend a few days on that and ...... I had a knitting class on Friday!
So this is really where my story starts today! In just five short weeks I have taken my second class on spinning with a drop spindle, taken a spinning wheel class and bought a wheel, taken a class on spinning art yarn and a fiber prep class - those all were on consecutive Saturdays. And last Friday I went to my favorite little wool store
(WC Mercantile) and took a knitting class! Whew! I am crazy!!!!
My first post of the year talked about my word for the year. I chose bloom and said in my January 28 blog that maybe it should have been challenge. Now I'm wondering if it wasn't learning or maybe it should have been practice or patience! All of these words fit this crazy year.

Or maybe crazy should have been my word! If anyone would have told me five years ago that we would live on three acres, have alpacas and that I would be spinning and knitting I would have told them they were crazy! But here I am and it's all happened or is happening!
The craziest part is the knitting. My mom knitted and my daughter knits, but I always said I would hate it. Mom tried through the years to teach me, but it was to no avail. She tried to teach me to crochet, to no avail. But as I began to spin (also said I wasn't interested in doing a wheel) and I saw my yarn, I began to think that I would like to make something with it, if I could learn how to do it, but I didn't think I could and I really didn't think I would enjoy it! So I went to my class last Friday to see if there was knitting in my DNA and much to my surprise there is! Not only could I do it, it felt good. I only completed a bath mat for a mouse, but I am hooked.
Full of holes and mistakes! |
I have practiced every spare moment this weekend and it's all I can do to leave it alone! I've practiced spinning and I do love it, but oh that darn knitting bug! I won't have to eat my words with my mom, but my daughter, well that's another thing! I probably won't ever be as good as she is, she is amazing, but I will have to admit that I now understand why she enjoys it soooo much.
Right now I'm spinning "interesting yarn" and knitting straight rows with no plan in mind, but who knows what I might do some day as I grown in my knowledge of art yarn and knitting! BTW - don't let two pictures fool you, I've casted on and started over many many many times between these two pictures! But at least I see improvement which encourages me to keep on keeping on!
Another try at it and a little improvement! |
Yes, this year my word should have learning. Learning about alpacas, fiber, carding, spinning, knitting and most of all, learning about me! I am full of surprises - even to myself! Just reread the post and saw how many times I used the word crazy - so I think this is a two word year - crazy and learning! It fits - at this age learning this much in one summer is crazy.