But in the creative world does the word "need" even exist? I doubt it! If it did would we buy more yarn, more needles, more paints, more paper, more fabric, more stamps? Would we buy another journal before the last is filled up? You see my point - "need" has nothing to do with it. Joy is the right word!
If I'm going to learn to knit then scarves must be made! I made bowls but one can't live on bowls alone! I made my cowl (see finished cowl below). This will always be my baby as I spun it, dyed it and knitted it. No the fiber isn't from my boys - knew you were going to ask!
My first scarf was this one in a rasta yarn. It's so soft and bulky and I was able to use large needles, but finished it was just too wide! I connected the two ends and made it into a long cowl, but just wasn't happy. So I took it apart and redid it as a narrow long scarf. I have a long black coat and I believe it will be beautiful hanging way, way down! See the pretty handle hanging on the door knob - that is my new knitting bag my friend Deb made me . I will be showing it off in a blog all it's own! Stay tuned!
Then I learned to make a design when I made this skinny little scarf. I like it, but probably won't make another. It still needs to be blocked - someday! I used the variegated yarn that I used for the bowls. I love the surprise of the colors!
At knitting group one Sunday a woman came in with a little skinning scarf and I just loved it, So I bought some sock yarn - doubled it and so far, I have this scarf done and one almost done and I will still have yarn left!
I took a class with Diana North on wet felting an art batt and making a scarf. It's beautiful, but I'm still going to needle felt some more embellishments and add some beading.
Last week I took another class on making knitted jewelry and it included the unbidden boa. I made this one in class. Love the yarn, with sequins and beads spun right into the yarn. I love how we knitted in bobbles and that I had the perfect beads to add to the ends when I got home!
I made another one last Sunday afternoon. I had yarn I bought months ago from Diana and it was perfect for this boa. I love it because it can be done in a couple of hours! No time to get bored before it's done and no two scarves will ever look alike because they're made with art yarn. The yarn will greatly influence the look of the finished product.

I've been making other things too, so I'll be back to show those off in a day or two! Until then, remember this good advice: