I have such a wonderful rainbow of fiber on my table waiting to be spun! So far, I've just done a few of them, but mostly because I've been knitting along with the spinning. And, of course, I need time to sketch and play with the boys in the pasture.
So today, I will show you my rainbow and the new yarns. This first one is Green with Envy and turned out to be a really pretty yarn. A variety green shades with a hint of purple. Can't wait to see it knitted.
Plied with a coordinating green crochet thread. |
This next one is Midnight - much brighter than I expected by the name, but love the many shades of blue.
And Deep Space is full of blues and purples.
And here's the rainbow of fiber - so much fun ahead.
And then I began to knit. I'm in love with these small infinity scarves and so I'm using some yarn I spun last year. This one is Moulin Rouge and I love the colors.
This one is a yarn I spun from a wonderful batt from WC Mercantile. It's been having on a hook waiting to become something special and now it is! This yarn is so much fun with it's thick and thin parts.
These are my colors and I had a small amount left over and decided to see what I could make. I came up with this neck warmer. Perfect along with a t-shirt and jacket. No bulk, but a warm neck! It was so comfortable on a coolish Texas day that I had it on until I went to bed. So light weight you forget it's on.
Before I knew it, I was trying to make this again from a yarn recently spun - one the looks like a newly opened box of crayons.
Of course, I measured this one to the first one and then made it about four or five inches longer, so, of course, it was a different fit. But I played with it and found that you can wear it a number of different ways and be much more flexible. Wear it tight or loose! So you guessed it, I've already made another one.
I have lots of small skeins of yarn from early spinning days and I see neck warmers popping up everywhere
And, if I didn't have enough fiber to spin, I got the urge this week to card some on my own. But we'll save those pictures and story for another day.